Saturday, July 18, 2009

Life gets in the way of blogging. But here it is a new day :) I've been busy reading other blogs and have found a new one to keep reading! Sewmeow has fun things to read and is having a birthday giveaway, please check out her blog at

I was trying to 'free' my summer for working on the vegetable and flower gardens and not get too involved in quilting. I know, WHAT???. But, as you know, I tend to get involved in a quilt project and ignore the rest of the world. i.e., gardens. and then the weeds take over. But I was determined that was NOT going to happen this year!!!! Here are my Tomatoes and the Beautiful Petunias :)

I even hauled some dirt in to fill in this box and purchased some manure in the bag to improve this soil.

I was doing great until it kept raining and raining. I couldn't get into the garden often to weed and then the grass took over. Well, as you can see, that didn't work out like I had planned in my head! If you look REAL close you can see my green beans in here with all the grass.

I sprayed and still the grass didn't die. I brought home come cardboard boxes from work, cut them open and spread them out and still it didn't die. I sprayed again. Nope, nothing. FINALLY ask dear husband why... and found out... I was using the WRONG SPRAY!!!! NOOOOOOOO... so.. that is why. hmmmmmmm Imagine that.

I now have the correct spray and the grass is turning brown! Yeah ;) Well, the weather is nice and I am going outside and pull the grass up that is next to the veggies. I'll take some pictures of my flowers too :)

Talk later. Hugs.

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