Thursday, May 12, 2011

Faithful Freckles

       Today is a sad day.  We had to put our Friend, Companion, Family Member to sleep.  She was hurting so bad and she was so weak from the heat and age.  We Love You Freckles.
       You love the cool weather and would always try to race around.  You always came to see me when I drove up to check the mail.  We miss you so much.  Your Kitties miss you.  You would love the fact that they have brought their babies to the Overhang to raise them there.   Tom found the perfect resting spot for you.  Back in the trees in a small meadow.  Lots of shade and cool breezes coming through.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry for your loss! Our dog who was part of our family for 16 years died about 4 years ago. It was hard.

Thanks for visiting my blog. I answered your question about the tomato cages there. But just in case you don't get back... my husband brought them home from a company that he does some work for. He said that if you could find a place that sells burn drums, you could probably find them. They call them "tote cages".